2 Days Queen Elizabeth and Semliki Expedition

2 Days Queen Elizabeth & Semliki Expedition

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Nestled in the heart of Uganda’s western landscapes, the 2-day expedition through Queen Elizabeth and Semliki National Parks promises an immersive journey into the wild. This adventure seamlessly blends the rich biodiversity of Queen Elizabeth National Park with the unique charm of Semliki National Park, offering nature enthusiasts, wildlife aficionados, and intrepid travelers an unforgettable experience.

The expedition kicks off with a dawn awakening and a hearty breakfast, setting the stage for an exhilarating morning game drive across the expansive Kasenyi plains of Queen Elizabeth National Park. A realm teeming with life, this iconic park unveils a canvas of lions, elephants, buffaloes, Uganda Kobs, and an impressive array of bird species.

The journey continues to the Mweya Peninsula, where the geographical wonder of the Uganda Equator awaits. Stand astride both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, absorbing the unique energy of this intersection. The Queen’s Pavilion, perched strategically, unveils panoramic views of the meandering Kazinga Channel and the lush landscapes beyond.
In the afternoon, a serene boat cruise along the Kazinga Channel beckons, providing an intimate encounter with the water’s edge wildlife, including hippos, crocodiles, and an avian symphony of colors. Whether you choose to return to your accommodation or extend your adventure with a scenic drive to Fort Portal, the day concludes with a sense of awe and appreciation for Queen Elizabeth National Park.

As the new day dawns, set forth on an expedition to Semliki National Park, a sanctuary of rich biodiversity and natural marvels. The morning adventure centers around the exploration of the Sempaya Hot Springs, where the Earth’s geothermal energy manifests in the form of boiling water emerging from the ground. This unique phenomenon not only captivates the senses but also provides an extraordinary opportunity to cook eggs and matooke in the kitchen of nature.

The journey culminates with a delightful blend of wonder and fascination, leaving indelible memories of the diverse ecosystems and breathtaking landscapes that characterize the remarkable expanse of the Great Rift Valley.

Embark on this expedition with us as we traverse the untamed wilderness, where each passing moment unravels a new discovery, and every twist and turn unfolds a captivating story of nature’s grandeur.
End the day with a relaxation at the hotel to unwind the days captivating sceneries and this marks the end of our 2 day tour to queen Elizabeth and Sempaya hot springs.

For more information

  • Reach out to us on +256 760 134 848
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